sexta-feira, 4 de janeiro de 2008


Interview Lord Baphomet of Neverchrist:

1- Are you the total negation of Christ, do you want to express it in your band name?
Yes!! Neverchrist for me is a form to express all my feeling of repudiation towards the cristianity and its false dogmas, that they imprison and they corrupt the human mind, covering the truth with a veil that takes to the humanity to an abyss, where the weak falls in pleas hoping the call “Salvation”. We did not need dogmas or religions! We have our own soul and black conscience. We battled and we are stronger when we followed our own way of wisdom and knowledge, without needing to hope that the salvation it falls of the sky, because we know that THERE IS no SALVATION!

2- Which was the main difficult to find the right members, do you have contact with
your old members, why?
Here in my city it is difficult to finding members that really they want to dedicate itself totally to the antichristian cause. When he looked for members, what it found was generally the calls "Extreme Radicalist", that just a short time later would fall their masks and they showed their true phases like posers, Christi
ans or same nazis. But it is truth which many members that happened in the horde contributed and much for me fight in these seven years. Beings whom they had to leave by personal problems, like our old vocalist Lord Blasphemy. Of the old members, I only have contact until today with the old guitarist Blackthorne and Bruno (Who today is bass player of the band Death/Splatter/Gore Ass Flavour). Some other members as the guitarist Leandro and the guitarist Lorena I do not have more contact, because they are weak bastards. He became a Christian excrement and she became involved with the nazi shit.

3- Are you satanict or most you define yourself like pagan, do you try to pass a message in your lyrics?
The lirics of Neverchrist are a compound of the old Satanism, demonology, antichristianism,and of our visions about the reality of the world. But we go to begin to also speak of pre-Colombians civilizations, thus valorizing our vast Latin cul
ture, fighting against all the oppression of the Christianity and its false laws, and glorifying our towns that fought until completes drop of the blood to fall, against that false idolatry.

4- Have you played in live, with what bands have you played, with what bands you will never play?
As we had many problems of line-up, we only could to touch live two times. One in Splattercorefest 2, June of the 2003, and to another one in a show in March of 2004.In the Splattercorefest, we were called on with bands of grincore and to to splatter, being it only band of Black Metal in the event. We touched with bands of our area like Ass Flavour,I shit on your face, Christmass shit, among others. I to never would touch with bands White shit, Nazi, melodic or of the call New Metal,
because to me the met
al is unique, the good and old Metal, from the traditional one to most extreme far or tetric!

5- How is the recording of your first demo Latinoamerican Elite of Anti Nazi Black Metal?
The recording already this being finalized in houses of friends who support the horde. As I do not have money to record with the acoustic drums, it had to record with the same electronics,that “was touched” by the warrior Krieglord, guitarist of Sagrada Blasfêmia. I am recording in your house and another warrior and great friend who helped me were Gabriel Romanelli, bass player of the Traditional Power Metal band Castlevania.The recordings already are being finalized and we are going released in Tape format by the Colombian label Oso Negro Records,from the warrior Humberto Unholy Predator.

6- You play also in other bands, how do you do with your time and create music, is different the sound in the other bands?
I touch more in two bands and was called to also integrate the Black Angel, but we obtain to have different schedules in relation to rehearsals and we tried only the week ends, even because the other members work and study, then that beam where upon all we must adapt itself with the schedules of rehearsal. As far as the compositions, if, the other bands sound different. Delicta Carnis is more Black/Death Metal of the old school, Sagrada Blasfêmia is Raw Black Metal traced in the Nordic school of the '90, and Black Angel, as all you know back in
Peru, is more Black/Death Old School. Then I do not feel no problem in to compose for those bands. I listen Metal from the 1993.Metal is my life, then single I let to my black feelings and the Metal flow by my blood, my veins and my soul.

7- Are you interested in politic, do you trust in your actual president, why?
personally I believe that all the Latin people is interested in politic, because it does not give to pierce with as much shit and corruption that there is here in Latin America. I believe that so many scandals and problems as hunger, misery, lack of health, lack of cleaning make all the society ask itself: So that? While the leaders of their countries are to support to the USA, while they of only want the world everything there to they. And the governing only their beautiful houses and iatchs in their fiscal paradises are worried with to around the world. Then I believe that all the people is interested in politic to at least try to include/understand better to all that shit that occurs here in Latin America. It is clear that in other continents also there is corruption, indifference… but here we feeling, know as he is, and the towns to the times nothing make try to change this situation, like here in Brazil, for example. If I believe in the government of my country? No! Lula is a governing that already was reason of hope to the people. A poor man, whom already hunger passed, that worked like metallurgical to obtain your bread, but it corrupted and now he is like the others: to steal,to steal,to steal… Personally I do not believe in the government of my country and believe that if Lula did not change to Brazil, nobody will change more, because Brazil if it is a rich country , but like in most of Latin America, the great part of the people does not have money, does not have structures and suffers in the misery, they wait hopeful by plus a false promises of a governing thief!

8- What do you think about those all bands playing 80s sound, do you think taht some are trying to sell?
Well, there are those simply want to in vain make that type of sound, by adoration to the bands of the '80, and are those only want to sell more, because they think that the Metal is in discharge. Then many bands only returned by money, I believe. But the time if it will put in charge to show who is true and who is in the scene only by money.

9- Like I can see you ahte totally to NS and Nazism, why, do you think that in latinam
erican is a joke, why?
Yes! I believe that in Latin America the nazism is expanding, because every day, in B
razil we even see those bastards here always inventing racist movements without beddings, because the Latin people is formed by a infinity of racial mixtures, then is ridiculous and I do not know as in a place as Latin America with so many racial mixtures can exist an excrement like that. We already had problems with those excrements in the band and our daily life. In its majority they are young people whom they look for by something like being able, respect and something to more in the society, but they look for of the missed form, because the Nazis would kill all to us if his kingdom had win to the war. They would need to study a little more and to learn than that excrement would go against of they themselves and to study more and to value its culture, on the contrary to suck the eggs of European and the their culture. Nothing against to the European, but I value more to my own culture that is very rich and vast.

10- Any future plan?
Our plans then are first to send our first demo by the Colombian label Oso Negro Records, as already it had saying, to continue rehearsals with our new vocal Max, to obtain some shows and festivals, international or nationals and and to continue spreading knowledge and wisdom to which they are identified with our ideology. A great hail to the real Latin warriors!

11- Any last comment?
In first place, thanks to you, Martin, by that valorous interview and luck to you with their ideals and always continue by in the battle of the Metal.A great Hail to Eloy Arturo(Kranium),Rafael(Kranium), Rafo Iturrino (Headbanger Zine), Joel Alvarez (Smelling Fetid Corpse) and Hector Corpus, who is people who helped us and still they help back in Peru.A great hail to all the great Peruvian Metal scene and to all the maniacs from Peru, they follow with its ideals and they have pride of our hemisphere, because our culture is very rich and it cannot be left or be changed by the culture of the others. Hail Latin America!

For more info visit:

Original interview at the link:

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